Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Seeding Update

I am pleased to announce there is a great stand of turf now for the 2012 season.  Hopefully Mother Nature will be more knid to us next year than the previous two years. 

The next two pictures are of #13 green seedlings coming up.  We will continue to seed, topdress, mow and spray throughout the winter.

The nurseries at the maintenance facility are also coming in nicely.  The main nursery
is for greens and tees repairs.  We also have fairway bentgrass and fescue growing for
needed repairs in 2012.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Course Update

We trenched the back half of #13 green for the root barrier.
Each black dot contains a chemical that emits when contacted by the
roots.  The chemical prevents the root from growing beyond the
This is the amount of roots present within the green surround.  Trees
and turf do not go well together!

The finished area prior to seeding...and Gilbert acting like he helped.

 While we had a trencher in house we installed some drainage.  The
picture directly above is at #2 tee boxes where water seemed to always
stand after a large rainfall.  Picture above that is at the miantenance

We also aerified tees 1, 2, 3 and 7 and will finish the remainder
tomorrow (Thursday). 
We also spiked and seeded greens 1, 2, 5 and 6.  We will finish
the frontside greens tomorrow (Thursday).
OF 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM AND 5:00 PM.
During the seeding process we cannot allow the seed to dry out or it will die.
I apologize for any inconvenience.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aeirfication Schedule

Greens aerification is now complete and all holes should be healed over the next couple of weeks.

All the fairways have been seeded and some are still a little slow coming up.  We will continue to seed areas with a poor stand of bentgrass throughout fall.

There will not be a fairway aerification this fall due to the number of seedlings.  Core aerification will be extremely stressful on new seedlings and would actually hurt the turf more than benefit at this point.  Due to the past two seasons, their root systems are poor and would not withstand all the mechanical injury.  We will need to ensure a healthy stand of bent before going into winter.  If 2012 spring cooperates with us we will perform aerification at that time.


OCTOBER 4-14        Tee core aerification-  Holes will not be closed for this process, though tees
will be placed in the rough in front of tee complexes.

#13 Root Barrior will be installed this week and bed prepped for seeding.  Expect this hole to be closed while installation is in progress
Greens will be solid spiked, overseeded, and topdressed.  No hole closures for this process.  Expect greens to be mowed at higher cuts and less frequently to allow seed development for approximately 10-18 days.
Practice green will continue to be seeded, topdressed, and fertilized.  I hope to have this open soon.
Some weak areas in the rough will also be overseeded throughout this period.