Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a Spring!

Spring has ramped up, but our staff is still in transition.  We will be fully staffed by May 7th, so I appreciate everyone's patience in getting the course up to par.

Plugs are still a big priority on the greens and this can be an
extremely long task.  This is Dave Burns plugging #16 green.

We have applied 25 tons of sand to the bunkers over the last
two weeks.  We received another shipment yesterday and will
continue to add next week.


I just couldn't resist adding this one.

With a warm and fast spring, comes weeds in large numbers.  We have treated the
broadleaved weeds, so now we will see wilting and death.  That is good in my eyes!

Though the range tee looks to be coming in great, we must keep in mind that it is only
March.  I am sure the warm season Bermuda will get hit back some by the
cooler temperatures coming next week.  I will keep you posted on its condition.

Poa seed heads have arrived strong this year.  This season is probably the worst I have
seen in the Louisville area.  PGR's have been applied to reduce their growth and
and to aid in suppressing the seeds.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Course Update

We have completed the sodding work at #12 men's tee.  Trees around the tee have been removed and limbed up to improve airflow.  I expect this tee to open in the fall.