Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Friday, August 31, 2012

The bridge from #7 to #8 has now been replaced with new lumber.  Sounds a lot
better too!

We used all the old wood from #7/ #8 bridge to build 8 raised beds for vegetables. 
These vegetables will be used next year by Chef Jesse for Oxmoor dining.  I hope
this will help in reducing some of Jesse's food cost, while also having fresh veggies
for the members.

This is a perfect example of why we need to stay in the rough/ cart path during
extreme heat and droughts.  These are cart tracks that completely killed out
an area of the bentgrass fairway.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Course Update

Holes 2, 4, 5, 15 and 17 have been sprayed with Round-up, per the Spencer Holt
Master Plan, around the outer edges of the fairways.  These areas will soon be
seeded with fescue and next year will be apart of the new 2 "step cut.  This decrease in
bentgrass is approximately 3 acres and throughout the entire season there will be a
reduction of $6000.00-$10,000.00 in the maintenance budget. 

We attempted earlier to seed #4 fairway and had poor germination rates.  We 
attempted again and received 75% germination. With cool nights approaching we will
continue to seed these areas.  Irrigation will continue to run periodically throughout
the day to ensure proper moisture levels for germination.

A walk path has been installed behind #7 green and will soon be seeded along with
more stones adjacent to the cart path.  We will also construct a path leading to the
men's tee on #4 in the fall.