Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Course update

The last couple of years have given us record heat waves and this year Mother Nature has blessed us with an outstanding fall.  All the fairways and tees have been seeded and are beginning to show great recovery.  Yesterday, greens were seeded in poor areas and will receive another total surface seeding next week.  Practice facility green, chipping green and target areas will be seeded this Monday.  We will continue to seed all these areas until we receive adequate germination.

Aerification on the course is now coming to an end.  We applied DryJect aerification into the greens again this year.  The process involves blasting high pressure water into the green soil and completely back filling with kiln dried sand.  Below is a picture of this process along with a plug showing the sand injected into the green profile.

We are currently aerifying fairways with only four more remaining.  Today we will finish
up #15 and #18, depending on weather tonight, check with the golf shop for the remaining hole

The fall is also the time of year when we begin laying off the maintenance staff for the winter.  We are currently at six employees and over the next two weeks there will be three remaining for the winter months.  I would like to thank everyone in advance for there patience, as some daily jobs will be delayed.