Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Image result for verticutting

Today we verticut the greens, so they may be rolling a three.
Verticutting is the process of cutting vertically into the green to
promote horizontal growth, reduce grain, and reduce thatch.
Last week we cross shatter tined (see below) the greens.  That
process of aerification allows the soil profile to vent, which
 allows proper gas exchange, reduction in hydrophobic soils, and
an increase in pesticide efficacy during times of heat stress.

Friday, May 6, 2016

The HydroPaths on 4 and 7 are almost completed.  Next week
we will be adding soil more soil and sodding the areas
Thanks to everyone who supported the Greenskeeper Revenge
last year, which funded these projects.
#16 and #1 tees are now complete.  The Zoysia is rooting in
nicely but the fescue takes a little longer.  These tees should
be ready for play by next weekend.

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

#16 tees have been sodded with Zoysia.  We will soon sod
the surrounding areas with fescue.
#1 men's tee has been completely resodded with Zoysia.
Its rooting in very well and should be open in a couple of weeks.
I would like to thank Mr. Florence and Mr. Ward for their    
funding, installation and weekly upkeep of the roses
at the men's and women's tees.  Further in the summer we will
be installing stone paths.

Stone curbing was installed around the putting green and we will
continue to dress up other problem areas during the year.

Monday, March 28, 2016


The HydroTurf has been installed behind #7 green and we will
soon begin installing it at #4 path.  This is a great addition to
the course and was funded by the 2015 Greenskeeper Revenge.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

It's been a long time since posting to the blog, but we are
back up and fully operational.  The maintenance staff is
getting excited for the 2016 golfing season and we have many
items on our to-do list.  This year we will be installing the
HydroTurf at #4 and #7, transplanting extra roses from #9 lake bank
to #18 lake bank, installing stone curbing around the practice green and...
well you will have to check back to see the rest.
Can't wait to see everyone on the course.
Mike Coy, GCS