Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Thursday, May 24, 2012

We have now installed a new "Course Condition and Information" board
outside the golf shop.  Be sure to check it out before teeing off.

I have had a few members ask what these tools are that I keep in my cart. 
The tool on the left is used to cut a slice into the green.  A small portion is
removed and I then examine the soil profile for organic matter, moisture
and  the thatch layer.  The second tool is the stimpmeter.  Though many
probably have not seen it, you do recognize the term "green speed".  This tool aids
in calculating the speed of each green to get a consistent overall "green speed". 
The third tool is a soil probe, which is used quickly to check root depths and
moisture levels.  The last tool is a prism gauge, which shows the
quality of cut, grain and the true height of cut on a green.

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