Golf Course Maintenance Blog

Monday, July 16, 2012

Some of the brown areas are now showing signs of recovery.  Today, I even noticed a few seedlings germinating on #4 fairway.  The rain water we received on Saturday really helped the bentgrass out.  Though any water is beneficial to plants, rain water is more beneficial because of the nitrogen in the rain droplets.  The atmosphere consists of about 25% oxygen and 75% nitrogen.  The nitrogen in the atmosphere is not available to plants until it converts to nitric acid and then is available for uptake through rain water.  Bored yet?? Ha...high school biology.  Pictured below is some of the bentgrass in recovery.

The picture above displays some of the shoots regenerating through the thatch.

Some areas throughout the course may not show signs of recovery due to trees.
As we all know trees and turf do not grow well together.  Pictured above is #9
fairway and the tree roots competing for water with the turf.  In this case the
tree always wins and causes the turf to die. Many people think that tree roots
only extend to the outer area of the leaves or drip line.  Roots continue to spread
well beyond the drip line, though these roots are not grown for stability of the
tree, they are used to obtain water and nutrients and are known as the feeder roots.
Last year we installed a root barrier at #13 green and it has proven very successful
this year.  Later in the season, we will install a barrier here and at #17
approach to block the tree feeder roots.

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